Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Hate Bob Harper

and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I just did the 1 hour strength workout from this dvd >>>>>

I had only done the 20 minute beginner session before today (actually I did it yesterday too) and thought that it was hard, but not hard enough. If I want to burn off all the extra fat that I have suffocating the best me inside, I needed to step it up. Bob was going to help me do that.

And boy did he  help. Only 15 minutes in, I was already in body-shaking pain. Now, this may be because I am an incredibly out of shape over 220 lb woman trying to keep up with the likes of Bob Harper and his helpful fitness gurus.. but I like to think that it burned just as much for them. (Actually at the end of the workout, Bob has to start yelling at them to keep going and they were yelling out in the extreme effort it took them to do it.. it made me feel a lot better about how hard I thought it was)

I was planning on rewarding myself with a really long hot shower.. however, my legs could only hold me up for so long.. so it was a short rewarding shower haha!

Yesterday, I talked to someone who reads my blog and she told me how well she thought I was doing and that was really encouraging to me (thanks Kelsey!) In return, I was able to encourage her to get started. She is going to start the 30-day shred with Jillian Michaels. Good luck, Kelsey!

I'd love to hear what some of the rest of you are planning on doing to reach your fitness goals. The end of 2012 is closer than we think. I do NOT want losing weight to be my number one New Year's Resolution AGAIN. I REFUSE. Talk to me.. I'd love to hear from you.

And to finish off, here's a funny gif to explain why I like to work out by myself at home sometimes..
What I think I look like while working out..
What I actually look like.

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