Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

Ok guys. Sorry for not blogging lately. Here's a quick recap.

Thursday: just did the abs this day while watching wheel of fortune haha!
Friday & Saturday: I ran a BAJILLION errands these two days to get stuff set up for my graduation party!!! WOO I GRADUATED! ok enough of that back to business.. I heard from somewhere that shopping carts weigh about 50 lbs.. so pushing that around for a couple days.. sounds like at least somewhat of a workout to me :) On another note: I used to push carts at my old job.. without the help of the cart pusher sometimes.. Good workout ;)

Sunday: rest day. also went to see Hunger Games for the 2nd time with my mom, younger brother, and sister :D Maybe I should do a HG workout one of these days.. hmm? what do you think?
Monday: I did it. again. the 99 minus the run. only this time I did cardio.. I either jogged in place or did some other form of cardio rather than the jumping jacks, but boy was I a lot more winded and a lot more sweaty this time.. BEAST MODE BABY!

TODAY. TODAY. TODAY. My sister and I have decided to change up our methods. It's kinda boring/easy to give up if you keep everything hum drum the same all the time. Today we walked/power walked on our town's bike/walking path. We live in Colorado so it was a great way to enjoy the scenery of our lovely state and get some exercise in. The path is somewhere between 3 and 4 miles (the portion we walked) so I figure it was good for today.

Etc. My diet hasn't been the best lately.. and as some of you know, a good diet is key to weight loss and later on weight maintenance. However, overall today I think I did better. Even ordered a salad at Wendy's. Craziness. Anybody got some awesome healthy recipes they'd be willing to share that aren't filled with super expensive ingredients? Hit me up. I'd love some feedback from ya'll.

p.s. I've got a surprise for you tomorrow. What's life without a few dragons?

Starting weight: 237 lbs
Current weight: 235 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs
Weight to lose: 70 lbs

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