Thursday, May 24, 2012

Late Night Inspiration

Hey guys. I have to admit that this being healthy stuff.. it's hard for me. I have spent almost my entire life just eating what I want and not really thinking about it. Most of my life I've struggled with self-image issues and self-confidence issues. I can not truly remember a day when I was "skinny." It's taken me a while to realize that I had to do something about it (I realized it when I lost close to 30 lbs in college just from walking to classes), but that is why I am starting this journey to become healthier than I have ever been.

I am up late watching my favorite youtube family: the shaytards. I love watching their videos because they are a great example of a loving, quirky, funny family and I hope to have that someday. Also, Shay has lost 100 lbs! His wife's channel is actually a great help too. She talks about real issues and addresses questions from her followers. I was watching her videos tonight when I stumbled across this video called HEAD, HEART, MIRROR! If you are struggling with your weight loss, please watch it. It has truly re-inspired me.

In other news, today my sister and I played catch in the yard for about a half an hour.. and since we aren't pro softball players, the ball kinda went all over the place which meant a little bit of running to catch it. It was a really fun way to be active. After that, we had to go to the library to return books. We realized that the library is only about a mile away. Thus, we decided to walk there and back. It was a good workout. Plus, it's always nice to walk and talk with my sister about life and random things. :)

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